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 Once you understand the dynamics of a sound backlink, you still have to figure out 

how to persuade the right people to backlink to your site. You can spend an 

inordinate amount of time locating sites of similar content to your own and emailing 

webmasters for reciprocal links, but you will quickly find that you do not get many 

replies. The process is also time-consuming. So, you may find yourself somewhat 

stymied about how to generate backlinks without having to do too much upfront 


If you can pay someone to create your site, you may reason, why can’t you pay 

someone to backlink to your site? And, the answer is that you can! There are 

search engine optimization companies that can help you establish sufficient 

backlinks to raise your page rank for a minimal expense. There are risks involved, 

however, as Google doesn’t like the practice of rigging your site to look good in 

search engines. And, since the algorithms are kept secret, you can inadvertently trip a red flag that sends your site automatically to the bottom of the heap if you 

end up paying to be included in link farm pages.

Despite this risk, many people do use companies to help them change the ranking 

of their site by buying backlinks.
